Minutes of the Peninsula Press Club Board of Directors meeting of Nov. 5, 2002, at the San Mateo County Times.
In attendance were: John Kane, Bill Workman, Michelle Carter, Darryl Compton, Ed Remitz and John Horgan. Dave Price arrived late. The meeting was called to order at 10:07 a.m.
Michelle Carter presented a treasurer’s report which indicated assets of $19,782 and scholarship monies amounting to $9,924. She indicated that the 2002 awards competition produced a net profit of $4,514. Her report was approved unanimously.
John Horgan provided a report regarding the future of the San Francisco Press Club. He said the club’s pending demise has been placed on hold due to a $750,000 debt owed to the Internal Revenue Service. It isn’t clear how many assets the club will have after the IRS takes its share.
It was agreed unanimously to pay Darryl Compton a $3,000 fee to produce the 2003 annual awards competition. He also will receive a $50 per month administrative fee to maintain the club’s membership list and to perform other related duties. It was noted that an effort will be mad to increase participation among both print and electronic journalists. Next year’s awards banquet will be held May 2. The contest deadline will be sometime in February.
It was decided unanimously to hold the annual holiday party at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 10 (date has since changed since minutes were completed to Dec. 11) at the Congregational Church of Belmont. There will be a $10 per person charge for the catered affair. Bill Workman will procure the wine. It is expected that perhaps 20 to 30 people will attend.
Dave Price said he will tweak the club’s Web site to correct several glitches.
Michelle Carter said a date for the next meeting of the Bench/Bar/Media committee has not be chosen.
It was determined that the recipient of the Mary Jane Zirkel scholarship will be a female who graduated from a high school in San Mateo. With the addition of a $113 transfer from the club’s operating account, the stipend totals $2,000.
Dave Price broached the idea of having the club host potential election forums in 2003. Depending on the cost, the notion will be pursued.
Ed Remitz reported that an Oct. 26 high school journalism workshop sponsored by the California Newspaper Publishers Association at Hayward’s Chabot College drew about 80 young people.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:21 a.m. The next meeting will be held at 10 a.m., Dec. 3, 200, at the San Mateo County Times.
Minutes submitted by John Horgan, secretary.