Minutes of Peninsula Press Club Board of Directors meeting of Feb. 7, 2003, at the San Mateo County Times.
In attendance were: John Kane, John Horgan, Jon Mays, Michelle Carter, Jack Russell and Darryl Compton. The meeting was called to order at 11:07 a.m.
Minutes of the Jan. 7, 2003, meeting were approved, 5-0. Michelle Carter presented a treasurer’s report which indicated an operating balance of $19,738.88. The scholarship total was $8,056. Jack Russell indicated that $157 from the Foster City Writers’ Contest will be placed in the scholarship account.
It was decided to have Darryl Compton contact Aimee Lewis to secure a location for the May 2 professional journalists’ awards banquet. The deadline for entries is Feb. 28. The same deadline applies for potential scholarship recipients. Michelle Carter announced that the deadline for entries in the high school journalism contest is March 31. She said the Hillsdale Shopping Center again will underwrite the contest and awards affair.
Action on changes in the club’s bylaws was deferred. However, it was agreed to name Darryl Compton as the organization’s executive director. He also is an ex-officio member of the board of directors. The vote was 5-0.
Michelle Carter requested that someone else take over responsibility for coordinating regular Bench, Bar, Media events. It was suggested that, perhaps, Matt Stannard of the Chronicle might be interested in those duties. He will be contacted.
There was on Web site report. There was nothing new to report on the future of the moribund San Francisco Press Club. It was noted that The Independent’s Barbara Backer should be considered for a director’s seat if she is interested.
Jon Mays suggested that the Web site be available to young journalists for job searches, resume listings, internships and other professional aids. He added that health insurance is an issue for free-lancers and correspondents.
The time and place of future meetings continued to be discussed. It was determined to hold monthly gatherings in the evening. The March 12 meeting will be held at 5 p.m. at a site yet to be decided. Jon Mays said he would seek a restaurant venue in downtown San Mateo.
The meeting was adjourned at noon.
Minutes submitted by John Horgan, secretary.