Minutes of Nov. 12, 2003, meeting of Peninsula Press Club Board of Directors at San Mateo Daily News
Attendees: Michelle Carter, John Kane, Jon Mays, Justin Nyberg, Dave Price, Jack Russell, Bill Workman.
Absent: Darryl Compton, Aimee Lewis, Ed Remitz.
Newly-crowned president Micki Carter called the meeting to order when a quorum was reached at about 6:30 p.m. She informed the board that newly-elected secretary John Horgan resigned from the PPC board as of Monday, Nov. 10. Horgan cited lack of time and concern about liability insurance as his reasons for quitting the board. His resignation was accepted. Later in the meeting, the board unanimously elected Justin Nyberg of the Independent Newspaper Group to fill Horgan’s spot on the board. Nyberg was present and agreed to serve. The role of secretary is still unresolved. Efforts will be made to get another San Mateo County Times staffer to serve on the board.
On the matter of liability insurance, Price and others did not see the need for the PPC board to have such insurance, as all of the coverage being considered does not include individual board member liability anyway. Ed Remitz is the only board member who still may have reservations about insurance, Price said. The matter was continued to the next meeting. Darryl Compton, in a post-meeting email to Micki, gave insurance cost numbers for some organizations with which he is associated.
Due to the absence of Aimee Lewis (who was ill), no action was taken on selecting a place/date for the PPC holiday party and the ’04 Awards Dinner. President Micki said those matters will be decided by cyber meetings & cyber voting after Aimee’s recommendations are received. Also, the cost to those attending these functions has not been established.
Due to the absence of Darryl Compton (who had another commitment), no action was taken on changes to the contest rules for ’04. After a fairly long discussion it was agreed that the contest rules are pretty good as is. The major area of concern is that the current fee policy for entries is a hardship on the metro dailies (Chron & Merc). The board agreed that it will address this problem at the next meeting.
A spirited discussion followed about encouraging greater participation from PR firms and professionals, trade press and newsletter editors in our ’04 contest. No specific action was taken.
Micki reminded all that Saturday, Nov. 15, is the copy deadline for the newsletter. Board members wee urged to email stories, items to Aimee. Russell is to write a review of the late board member Dick Harnett’s book on the United Press International (UPI).
Dave Price was given the green light by the board to use his considerable judgment and to take necessary action to get the PPC website fixed.
The meeting was adjourned about 7:30 p.m.
Next meeting is scheduled for 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 10, at the San Mateo Daily News, 2600 El Camino Real, San Mateo.
Minutes respectfully submitted for approval by secretary pro-tem Kane.