Minutes of the March 10, 2004 Peninsula Press Club board meeting held at the San Mateo Daily News, 2600 El Camino Real. Jon Mays, Aimee Lewis were absent, Justin Nyberg arrived a few minutes after the start of the meeting. In attendance were John Kane, Bill Workman, Ed Remitz, Jack Russell, Micki Carter and Dave Price.
Meeting was called to order at 6:18 p.m. by President Micki Carter.
1. Minutes of the February meeting were approved.
2. Treasurer’s report: Darryl Compton reported that about $13,000 in contest entry fees and new memberships was received in the past month.
3. Awards competition: Darryl pointed out that the PPC received 440 entries this year compared to 453 last year.
Justin Nyberg asked that entries from the Examiner go into the category of “dailies under 75,000 circulation.” However, the Examiner as recently as Feb. 20, 2004 had printed that its circulation is 76,000 per day, Dave Price said. After a discussion, board members felt it was not appropriate to put the Examiner into a lower circulation category, but since all articles in the Examiner were also published in the twice-weekly Independent, board members felt the Examiner entries could be included in the non-daily category. After discussion, Nyberg agreed. John Kane made a motion to that effect and it was carried without opposition. The board agreed to revisit the subject before next year’s contest.
4. Contest judging: Darryl distributed to board members entries from contests held by press clubs in other parts of the country. PPC board members will judge contests held by the Press Club of Cleveland, Press Club of New Orleans and the Press Club of Southeast Texas. In exchange, those clubs will judge PPC entries.
5. Newsletter: Deadline to send Micki Carter information is March 15.
6. Web site: Price reported adding a number of media-oriented news stories to the site. John Kane asked for a counter and Price agreed to add one.
7. Bench-Bar-Media: Justin suggested that before future meetings, possible topics could be sent to participants and that a moderator could be chosen.
8. New business:
Darryl said the Press Club has been using his personal home phone for the past few years, but now that he’s married, he’d like the Press Club to share the phone he has for the Broadcast Legends, 341-7420. That would require the PPC to pay half the phone bill of $35 per month. John Kane moved to have the PPC pay half the bill and the board agreed without dissent. New number will be added to the PPC home page.
Justin said he would like the PPC to sponsor more events, such as a happy hour for journalists. He said he would be willing to organize it. Board members appeared to favor the idea. After the meeting, Justin suggested holding it at the Prince of Wales bar on 25th Avenue in San Mateo. Date to be announced.
The board meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Dave Price, acting in the absence of Secretary Jon Mays.