Minutes for Peninsula Press Club Board of Directors meeting on May 12, 2004:
Meeting commenced at 6:26 p.m. Directors present: Micki Carter, Jack Russell, Justin Nyberg, Bill Workman and Ed Remitz. Also present: Darryl Compton, Executive Director. Absent: Dave Price, Aimee Lewis and Jon Mays.
• Carter announced that Dave Price was absent with a good reason. His wife Mae had given birth to their first child, Jack, a few days earlier. Congratulations, Dave and Mae!
• Carter introduced directors to a visitor at the meeting, Adrien Varnedoe, photo editor for the San Francisco Observer and Haight Ashbury Beat.
• Directors voted 5-0 to approve minutes from the previous meeting.
• Compton reported that the treasury is “all sound” as preparations continue for the awards dinner on May 27. He provided a detailed financial document and reported that invitations have been sent to PCC members.
• Directors discussed and agreed upon voluntary work assignments among them for the awards dinner.
• Carter reported that the high school journalism awards proceeded successfully although one high school’s entries were lost in transit. It was agreed that Darryl Compton would take receipt of entries next year. Hillsdale Shopping Center provided $355 for the high school program. Carter also proposed adding a website category to the high school competition. The matter will be reviewed in December.
• Nyberg reported that the new “happy hour” event held on May 6 attracted about 12 attendees and was well received. He said another event might be appropriate in June. Nyberg said he wants the club to continue exploring “value-added resources” for members. Workman suggested exploring discounts at a Redwood City music club.
• Carter noted that the next newsletter deadline is June 9.
• Jack Russell reported that the club’s scholarship committee was impressed with the high school and college candidates it interviewed. He thanked PPC members John Kane, Dee Fastenau, Ed Remitz and Sam Goldman for serving with him on the committee. Scholarship recipients will be honored as part of the May 27 awards dinner.
In new business…
• Directors agreed that the annual picnic will be held on Sept. 26 at the home of Micki Carter.
• Compton requested that the PPC join with other media organizations in supporting an organization creating a broadcast archive for Northern California. A pamphlet provided by Compton reads that The Broadcast Archives and Museum of Northern California will “serve as an educational and archival resource for the preservation and presentation of historic Northern California radio and television broadcasts, equipment, printed documents, and memorabilia.” Supporters of the effort include San Francisco State University and the Society of Professional Journalists.
Workman moved that the PPC join supporters of the archive. Russell seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Submitted by Ed Remitz