Minutes for Peninsula Press Club Board of Directors meeting on Aug. 18, 2004 at the San Mateo Daily News.
Meeting commenced at 6:26 p.m.
Directors present: Micki Carter, Jack Russell, Ed Remitz, John Kane, Jon Mays and Dave Price. Also present: Darryl Compton, executive director.
Absent: Aimee Lewis, Justin Nyberg and Bill Workman.
Directors voted 5-0 to approve the previous meeting’s minutes.
Old Business.
Compton reported a treasury in good shape. All scholarships were paid out and all expenses are current.
Carter announced someone is still needed to run the bench/bar media.
The board was re-elected and one voter emphasized that Carter was doing a good job.
There was a celebration of Russell’s birthday.
New business.
Price moved to donate $500 each to CalAware and the California First Amendment Coalition and $100 to the Student Press Law Center. It was seconded by Kane and approved. The donation was made because of the important work the organizations do to defend the rights of a free press.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Minutes submitted by secretary Jon Mays.