Minutes for Peninsula Press Club Board of Directors meeting on Nov. 10, 2004 at the San Mateo Daily News.
Meeting commenced at 6:20 p.m.
Directors present: Micki Carter, Jack Russell, Justin Nyberg, Ed Remitz, John Kane, Jon Mays and Dave Price. Also present: Darryl Compton, executive director. Absent: Aimee Lewis and Bill Workman.
Directors voted to approve the previous meeting’s minutes.
Old Business.
Compton reported a treasury in good shape. The treasurer’s report was accepted.
There was a discussion of the scholarship coordinator to replace John Kane. The discussion came after new business since Kane was late. Carol Blitzer from the Palo Alto Weekly expressed interest in serving on the committee and possibly taking over Kane’s slot.
There were no changes to the by-laws.
New business.
There was a discussion about the upcoming town hall meeting for press/public officials Nov. 29. It was decided that the meeting will be off the record and closed to public. Topics for discussion are incomplete.
At this point, there is only one date on the calendar for the coming year. It is June 2, a Thursday, for the annual press club awards.
There was a preliminary discussion about changes to the awards competition categories. It was agreed there will be more discussion via e-mail before the December board meeting to be held at the Christmas Party, Harry’s Hofbrau, Redwood City. The party is 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., the PPC Board meeting will take place at 8 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Minutes submitted by secretary Jon Mays.