Minutes of the Peninsula Press Club Board of Directors meeting on Jan. 12, 2005 at the San Mateo Daily News.
Meeting commenced at 6:26 p.m.
Directors present: Micki Carter, Jack Russell, John Kane, Ed Remitz and Jon Mays. Also present, Executive Director Darryl Compton and Paul Sakuma.
Absent: Justin Nyberg, Dave Price, Bill Workman and Aimee Lewis. Nyberg called in twice.
Correspondence received.
The board received a hand-delivered letter from club member Brian Bothun admonishing it for allowing the meeting between the press and members of the county’s leadership to be off-the-record and closed to the public. Carter said she will respond to the letter.
Treasurer’s report.
Comptom reported the treasury was in good shape and that the club had $20,000 in the bank.
Old business.
The calendar shows the awards dinner for June 2.
Part of the agenda was taken out of order to accommodate late arrivals.
New business.
The board discussed giving a $100 donation for the Beverly Kees Memorial Fund Scholarship for journalism. The donation was approved.
Contest rule changes.
Circulation requirements. The board decided instead to allow the San Mateo County Times, the Contra Costa Times and The Examiner staffs to enter under the masthead of their individual paper within the larger media organization. Therefore Examiner staff members can enter under the San Mateo Examiner or the Redwood City Examiner rather than just The Examiner which would force them into Category A. The same is true for the San Mateo County Times and any other paper under similar circumstances.
Category changes. Several new categories were added and some were removed to reflect a more realistic representation of entries.
1. Additions.
A. Breaking news.
B. On-going coverage.
C. Sports game story.
D. Analysis.
2. Deletions.
A. Television photography (all three categories). There are not many entries and photographers can enter in regular television categories.
B. Public relations (all four categories). PR people can enter in magazines/trade publications categories.
C. Editorial cartoon.
3. Modifications.
A. Columns were broken into two categories of news column and feature column.
It was also agreed that series work and on-going coverage can include stories outside of the calendar year if the bulk of the reporting was done inside of the calendar year. This would accommodate stories such as Scott Peterson trial coverage.
Sakuma mentioned there will be a Peterson reception at the San Mateo County History Museum and he is asking for help in obtaining front pages of newspapers covering significant dates in the Peterson trial for the display. Carter said she would assist.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
The next meeting of the Press Club board will be Feb. 9 at 6:15 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Jon Mays.