For the first time in memory, the general managers of all of the San Francisco’s TV and radio news stations will get together for a panel discussion. The Radio-Television News Directors Association of Northern California, or RTNDA, will bring them together for a discussion titled “The Changing Bay Area News Market,” Feb. 8 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the ABC Broadcast Center, 900 Front St., San Francisco. Scheduled to speak will be (top row, from left) Tim McVay, KTVU 2; Mark Antonitis, KRON 4; Ron Longinotti, KPIX CBS5; Valari Staab, KGO ABC 7; Linda Sullivan, KNTV NBC 11; (bottom row) Marcela Medina, KDTV Univision 14; Doug Harvill, KCBS-AM 740; Mickey Luckoff, KGO-AM 810, and moderator Harry Fuller. Photos are from the RTNDA flyer.
Bay Area TV, radio GMs to speak at forum
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