Minutes of the Feb. 22 meeting of the Peninsula Press Club Board of Directors.
Meeting was brought to order by Board President Micki Carter at 6:25 p.m.
Board members Ed Remitz, Jack Russell, John Kane, Dave Price, Jamie Casini, Jon Mays, Aimee Lewis and Executive Director Darryl Compton were present. Board member Peter Cleaveland was absent.
The minutes of the January meeting were approved.
The treasurer’s report was approved.
Old business
2006 meeting dates planned so far: Second Wednesday of March, second Wednesday of April and the first Wednesday of May were noted.
Report on Bill Workman: He is able to stand and is readying for a move to Vallejo.
New business
Newspaper contest. The board voted to allow employees of the San Francisco Examiner Peninsula Bureau to submit entries to the annual newspaper contest under the “Peninsula Examiner” so they can compete in the under 75,000 category. Lewis said she will follow up with the Crowne Plaza Hotel to make sure the club’s needs will be met at the annual awards dinner.
The deadline for the high school contest is March 31.
The new roster will be completed after the contest entries are collected.
Lewis said she will contact a member of the RTNDA about resurrecting Bench/Bar/media. Discussion on an April session took place.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Minutes submitted by secretary Jon Mays.