Minutes of the March 8 meeting of the Peninsula Press Club Board of Directors.
Meeting was brought to order by Board President Micki Carter at 6:25 p.m.
Board members Peter Cleaveland, John Kane, Dave Price, Jamie Casini, Jon Mays and Executive Director Darryl Compton were present.
Board members Ed Remitz, Aimee Lewis Strain and Jack Russell were absent.
The minutes of the February meeting were approved.
The treasurer’s report was approved.
Old business
Professional journalism contest.
It was noted that the New Orleans Press Club would not be available for judging but would be submitting entries.
Mays pronounced some displeasure with the entries from the Southeast Texas Press Club last year.
Compton suggested The Bay Guardian, the Palo Alto Weekly and the SF Weekly be moved into the magazine category and the board concurred.
Kane agreed to do the script for the event.
Bench Bar Media. Lewis is working on a venue for an April Bench/Bar Media event.
New business
Scholarship competition and high school contest. Fliers were dispersed.
Mays suggested the PPC have a guest speaker for the awards show like last year. Board members will investigate possibilities and come back with ideas at the April meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m. Minutes submitted by secretary Jon Mays.