The San Francisco Bay Area Press Photographers Association presented awards Sunday (April 2) to the winners of its 32nd Annual Newspaper and Television News Photography Competition. More than 150 news photographers and photojournalism students in the greater Bay Area from every major newspaper, wire service and television station entered the competition for their photography in 2005. Here are the winners:
- Newspaper Photographer of the Year: Kat Wade, San Francisco Chronicle
- Television Photographer of the Year: Donald Hardy, NBC 11/KNTV
- Student Photographer of the Year: Omar Vega, San Francisco State University
- Newspaper Spot News Photography: Michael Macor, San Francisco Chronicle, “I-10 Freeway”
- Newspaper General News Photography: Hector Amezcua, Sacramento Bee, “Pulled Back”
- Newspaper Feature Photography: Lezlie Sterling, Sacramento Bee, “Pizza Tonight”
- Newspaper Sports Action Photography: John G. Mabanglo, European Pressphoto Agency, “Head Board”
- Newspaper Sports Feature Photography: John Green, ANG Newspapers, “Headless”
- Newspaper Portrait/Personality Photography: Sean Connelley, ANG Newspapers, “Sliver of Hope”
- Newspaper News Picture Story Photography: Sean Connelley, ANG Newspapers, “Mines”
- Newspaper Feature Picture Story Photography: Max Whittaker, freelance, “Death of a Trailer Park”
- Newspaper Pictorial Photography: Chris Stewart, San Francisco Chronicle, “Pointed Arrow”
- Television Spot News Photography: Douglas Vaughan, KTVU, “Police Negotiator”
- Television General News Photography: Dean Smith, NBC11, “Soldier’s Soles”
- Television Feature Photography: Brad Williams, NBC11, “Baseball Kid”
- Television Sports Photography: Tony Toste, KOVR, “Twins on Wheels”
- Television Mini-Doc/Series Photography: John Chiala, NBC11, “The American Soldier”
- Television Fred Sinfield Live Shot Photography: Don Ford, CBS5, “New Orleans Tour”
- Video Journalism Photography: Jennifer Sauer, Freelance, “Nurse Midwife in Malawi”