LA Times reporter Chris Gaither takes a look at the Silicon Valley gossip web site and writes: “While gossip columns at the New York Post and other papers are filled with celebrity sightings and antics, Valleywag is gossip by a geek, for geeks.” Gaither says that Valleywag’s Chris Douglas, 22, chronicles the lifestyles of the “rich and nerdy.” Gaither writes: “But by giving software programmers, bloggers and marketers the Brad Pitt treatment, Valleywag has touched off a debate: Does Northern California need or want the same kind of gossip coverage as Los Angeles, New York and Washington? More importantly, does it warrant it?” The LA Times article points out that Valleywag averages about 16,000 pages viewed a day, compared to 318,000 for the political gossip site Gawker or 260,000 for Defamer, a celebrity gossip site. But Valleywag does have helpful readers. Douglas got a hold of a photo of several employees of Adaptive Path, an SF web design firm, in a hot tub. Douglas didn’t know their names. So he posted the photo under “Geeks Gone Wild” and asked readers to help him identify everyone. Soon every bather was named on the site. On reader wrote, “This has to be a freakish anomaly. I’ve never seen a geek bathtub with anything less than a 5:1 male to female ratio.” 'Geeks Gone Wild'
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