The family of the late William Woo, a Stanford journalism professor and advocate for press development and greater press freedoms in Asia, has set up a memorial fund at Hong Kong University for aspiring journalists in his honor, according to the Hong Kong newspaper The Standard. Woo, former editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and a mentor to hundreds of young journalists, died April 12 of colorectal cancer at age 69. The Standard reports in Monday’s edition (June 5) says that Woo had strong ties to Hong Kong University’s Journalism and Media Studies Center and became its first visiting professor in 1999. Those wishing to donate to the memorial fund may send U.S.-denomination checks to Friends of the University of Hong Kong, a US-based organization, in care of Monica Yeung, executive director, 1321 Sydney Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94087. Donors can also e-mail