Call to order at 6:25 p.m.
Meeting was brought to order by Board President Micki Carter at 6:23 p.m.
Board members Peter Cleaveland, Jon Mays, Ed Remitz and Executive Director Darryl Compton were present.
Board members Aimee Lewis Strain, Jack Russell, John Kane, Dave Price and Jamie Casini were absent.
The minutes of the May meeting were approved.
The treasurer’s report was approved.
Old business
Professional journalism contest. It was agreed that the awards banquet went well overall. Discussion centered on some improvements such as: Awarding third place awards instead of honorable mention and removing the possibility of multiple honorable mentions; awarding by category and not by division to keep award presentations dispersed throughout the evening rather than grouped in one time; asking for pdfs of the entries rather than tear sheets; increasing outreach to the Mercury News so more award winners show up; possibly moving the dinner to Saturday so it does not conflict with production and ease with travel for those outside the Peninsula.
Scholarship committee. Some improvements were noted for the scholarship contest next year with some discussion centered on how best to split the award categories. It was agreed to bring up the discussion at an upcoming board meeting with more members present.
Summer picnic date was set for Sunday, Aug. 27
No reportable action on Bench/Bar Media
Christmas party was set for either Dec. 6 or Dec. 13.
New business
Carter reported Diana Diamond wants to join the board, yet there are no available slots.
Remitz reported on CNPA’s Journalism Days 2006 in Palo Alto and that there was an offer for the PPC to co-sponsor the event with no strings attached.
The meeting was adjourned by Carter at 7:25 p.m.
Minutes submitted by secretary Jon Mays.