Meeting was brought to order by Board President Micki Carter at 6:25 p.m.
Boardmembers Jamie Casini, Peter Cleaveland, Dave Price and Executive Director Darryl Compton were present.
Boardmembers Aimee Lewis Strain, Jon Mays, Jack Russell and John Kane were absent.
The minutes of the June meeting were approved.
The treasurer’s report was approved.
Old business
Bench Bar Media: Jamie agreed to touch base with Aimee and see if we can set something up for the fall.
New business
San Francisco Press Club Scholarship: The club will not be in existence, and a SF club member had discussed with Micki the PPC taking over the $15K in the SFPC’s account for a high school scholarship program. The SF club wants a $500 scholarship each year to go to a high school student for environmental writing.
Micki, and the board agreed, that the category was too narrow, and we requested a broader area — more general terms than specific.
At the time of the Aug. 24 meeting, Micki was awaiting a response from the SF press club.
Dave Price suggested that instead of the PPC awarding scholarships to individual students at the awards banquet, we give a bigger amount of money to exemplary journalism high school programs. Micki agreed to put the item on the September agenda for discussion.
Micki reminded the board about the PPC picnic at her home on Aug. 27
Christmas Party date was set for Dec. 5, 6 or 13 — Peter will check to see if Harry Hofbrau has a room available.
The meeting was adjourned by Carter at 6:55 p.m. Minutes submitted by Boardmember Jamie Casini.