Josh Wolf (pictured), the freelance photographer and blogger who spent August in a federal prison for refusing to provide authorities with outtakes of a video he shot of a San Francisco anarchist protest, could be returning to jail if his appeal is unsuccessful, the The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press warns. Although a two-judge panel of the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco released Wolf on bail, another panel of judges will hear his appeal of a contempt order. If his appeal is unsuccessful, he could be sent back to prison until July 2007, when the term of the grand jury in the underlying case is set to expire, the committee reports. “Independent journalists and bloggers provide a valuable service,” Dan Siegel, one of Wolf’s attorneys, told the committee. “People like [Wolf] have access to many stories that mainstream journalists do not. If they aren’t protected, the public will be denied access to that information.” [PPC, Sept. 1: Wolf released from prison] [PPC, Aug. 31: Court rules Wolf can be released] [PPC, Aug. 31: Guardian explores feds motives in jailing Wolf]