David Kravets of the Associated Press is reporting that a federal appeals court has upheld the contempt of court citation against Josh Wolf (pictured), a freelance journalist who is refusing to provide a federal grand jury with outtakes of a political protest he photographed in San Francisco in which a police car was torched and an SFPD officer was injured. In its ruling today, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said a 1972 Supreme Court precedent requires everyone, including journalists, to appear before grand juries if they have been summoned. “The Supreme Court has declined to interpret the First Amendment to ‘grant newsmen a testimonial privilege that other citizens do not enjoy,'” a three-judge panel of the San Francisco-based appeals court wrote. Wolf’s attorney, Jose Luis Fuentes, told the AP he would ask the appeals court to allow him to remain free while he petitions the court to reconsider the issue with a larger panel of 15 judges. Wolf was locked up in a federal detention facility Aug. 1 on the contempt citation, but was granted bail and released after 31 days. [PPC, Sept. 1: Journalist Josh Wolf released from prison]