Call to order at 6:19 p.m.
Meeting was brought to order by Board President Micki Carter at 6:19 p.m.
Board members present: Jamie Casini, Peter Cleaveland, Darryl Compton and Dave Price.
Absent: John Kane, Jon Mays, Ed Remitz, Jack Russell and Aimee Lewis Strain.
Minutes of August meeting approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance sheet showed total assets of $34,142.41. Price asked whether that high of a balance should be of concern, since it was his understanding that assets exceeding $25,000 would require the club to file a Form 990 with the IRS. Compton agreed that was a concern and also said that the IRS wants a 990 for previous years. Compton said he is working to comply with that request.
Compton also said the board shouldn’t have $20,000 in a checking account, which doesn’t earn much interest. He would like to move it to an account or fund that would yield higher interest. Cleaveland noted that one bank has a short-term 5% CD. Carter said moving funds to a new account doesn’t make much sense before the club changes officers in December. She indicated that the current president would have to be a signatory on the account and then the signatory would have to change after the officers change in December. There was some discussion about having multiple officers on the bank’s signature cards. No decision was made on moving funds to a higher-yield account.
Price thanked Compton for including the check register in the Treasurer’s Report.
The treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.
Old Business
Bench Bar Media. Casini said she would talk to Aimee Lewis Strain about setting up a future meeting.
Roster. Following a discussion, the board decided unanimously to send electronic versions of the club’s roster to members. However, those members who wanted a printed roster will receive one.
Request for donation from Student Press Law Center. No action taken.
San Francisco Press Club Scholarship. The SF Press Club has decided it will seek a national press program to handle their environmental journalism scholarship.
High School Journalism. The board discussed what it could do to help high school journalism programs. Board members were concerned that Hillsdale High School has apparently canceled its student newspaper because it no longer has a journalism advisor. Cleaveland says all of the area’s public schools are in similar trouble. The board discussed offering grants to high schools in order to keep their programs going. Carter said she is considering taking a part-time position as a journalism advisor to a public high school. An amount as small as $500 might keep some of these programs going, she said. The board asked Carter to contact high schools in the area and create a “wish list” of items or grants necessary to keep high school journalism programs going.
Christmas Party. Cleaveland said the party room at Harry’s Hofbrau in Redwood City is available on a number of dates in early December. The board picked Wednesday, Dec. 6, as the date. The hours will be 6-8 p.m. The cost is $10. Donations accepted for food bank. No host bar. The party will be combined with the club’s annual meeting.
December Board Election. Carter said she cannot serve another term as president. She suggested that the board start looking for a replacement.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Next meeting is Oct. 18 (note that it is not on the usual second Wednesday of the month) at 6:15 p.m. at the San Mateo Daily News.
Minutes submitted by Price.