The Chronicle has a weekday circulation of about 400,000, but a new insert called SFiS went out today to only 100,000 of the paper’s readers. That was intentional. SFis, a guide to luxury living, is only intended for those readers in the most expensive Zip codes of the Bay Area. So if you got an SFis today, congratulations. The folks over at the blog Sfist didn’t get their SFiS this morning, and they’re not happy. “We over here at SFisT have been waiting on tenterhooks — tenterhooks! — for the launch of the Chronicle’s totally not trademark-infringing new glossy publication focusing on travel, design, and fashion — called “SFiS.” You know, SFiS…. exciting! SFiS…. glamorous! SFiS… nothing at all like the name of a certain local blog! Oh no, not at all!” Later on, SFist notes that they’re just kidding about suing Hearst.
Do you live in a good neighborhood?
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