Hewlett Packard tried to pull off a “sting” on CNET News.com reporter Dawn Kawamoto by sending her an e-mail containing a bug in an attempt to uncover her source who was leaking information about the Palo Alto company, CNET News.com reports. HP’s investigators used a commercial service from a company known as ReadNotify.com which allows investigators to see who opened an attachment and where the attachment was forwarded. HP wanted to see if she would forward the attachment to a suspected leaker, then-board member George Keyworth.
BUGGING POLICY DOESN’T CHANGE: Even though HP CEO Mark Hurd (pictured) told Congress on Thursday that he was embarassed by the tactics his investigators used against reporters, and promise the company would change its ways, HP secuirty employee Fred Adler said at the same hearing that using bugged e-mails “was and still is current policy … It still is sanctioned by my management as an investigative tool.” (Reuters photo)