San Jose’s plan for emergencies such as earthquakes is posted on the city’s Web site for all to see. But San Francisco’s plan is apparently so secret that only heavily redacted portions of it have been released to KGO-TV investigative reporter Dan Noyes (pictured) and producer Beth Rimbey over the past several months, the Bay Guardian reports. The city has missed so many deadlines for public information requests, Rimbey figures there isn’t a plan and the city’s Office of Emergency Services is stalling until it can write one.
San Francisco has a Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, and it requested a meeting with OES officials about the agency’s decision to stonewall KGO-TV. OES refused to send anyone to the meeting, saying they felt threatened by Noyes, according to Jennifer Petrucione of the Mayor’s Office of Communications. Rick Knee, a task force member, is quoted by the Guardian as saying “[T]hat’s a very specious argument for not coming to address the complaint … I don’t see that as a valid excuse for not attending.” The Task Force ruled that the OES was in violation, according to the Guardian. Task Force member Marjorie Ann Williams said her concern went beyond the office’s withholding of documents. “This is a very, very serious issue,” she said about the city not having a plan … We need to get on this and take it to heart.”