Conservative Santa Cruz radio station KSCO-AM (1080) received an envelope in the mail containing a white powder. Police and firefighters quarantined the station and ordered morning host and program director Rosemary Chalmers, who opened the envelope, and the three other people inside the station to take cold showers in the parking lot. The station was operated remotely from owner Michael Zwerling’s house for two days while the powder was investigated. The substance proved to be harmless and no arrests were made. On Saturday, KSCO, at 2300 Portola Drive, will throw a barbecue and party from noon to 4 p.m. to celebrate the rescue workers who came to their aid. The station is providing meat and hopes listeners will bring side dishes. It will also be selling 50 hazmat suits for donations to a mental health charity. (KSCO sign from
White powder closes radio station for 2 days
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