“I know it’s going to get me into trouble in terms of political correctness, but I don’t care.” It was with those words that KGO’s Pete Wilson began to discuss his views on his radio show Tuesday about a gay San Francsico Supervisor and a friend, a lesbian, having a child and agreeing to raise it together even though each “co-parent” would date other people. Wilson’s criticism on his show Tuesday resulted in a number of the city’s civil and gay leaders calling for his resignation or retirement. Wilson apologized for the way he said things, but not for the position he took. Susanne Bohan of the ANG Newspapers wrote that “the quick eruption of outrage underscores the unique role of prominent journalists and what can happen when they blur the line between traditional reporting and political commentary.” [Chron: Wilson won’t be fired for remarks] [PPC, Oct. 13: KGO’s Wilson keeps job after heavy criticism] [PPC, Oct. 12: Gay leaders seek apology from Wilson, KGO]