Lance Williams and Mark Fainaru-Wada of the Chronicle will receive the First Amendment Award from PEN USA, the West Coast center for the renowned writers’ organization International Pen. A press release says the pair have been invited to accept the award at the group’s annual Literary Awards Festival Gala Dinner (LitFest) at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills on Dec. 12. Hopefully Williams and Fainaru-Wada will be able to attend. The writers, who broke open baseball’s steroids scandal, are now facing 18 months in jail for not revealing a source to the government. They’re free while their case is being appealed, but would go to jail if the appeal is unsuccessful. (The photo was taken by Darryl Bush of the Chronicle. In it, Williams, center left, and Fainaru-Wada, center, speak to reporters after leaving court Sept. 21.)