Meeting was brought to order by board President Micki Carter at 6:22 p.m.
Board members present: Jamie Casini, Peter Cleaveland, Dave Price, Jon Mays, Ed Remitz and Jack Russell. Executive Director Darryl Compton was also in attendance.
Absent: John Kane, Aimee Lewis Strain.
Minutes of September meeting were not approved because there is an outstanding issue with them.
Treasurer’s Report: Nothing to report.
The treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.
Old Business
Bench Bar Media. Casini said there has been no further discussion on bench/bar media and Carter said the club should shoot for a late January/early February date.
Roster. Still on the to-do list, Compton reports.
Scholarship winners. It was reported that some students have still not turned in the information needed for the scholarship money which is a concern because it must be paid in this calendar year.
Donations. The board unanimously approved Cleaveland’s motion to give $100 each to the California First Amendment Coalition, the Student Press Law Center and California Aware. There was some discussion about the appropriateness of giving away member dues to other organizations, but the board overall reached consensus that giving a small amount to these groups would send a message that it was in favor of first amendment advocacy. Price agreed to post the information on the Web site and give Carter the information to place in the newsletter.
Old Business
Newsletter. Carter informed the board that the deadline for submissions is Nov. 1.
High School Journalism. The board discussed what it could do to help high school journalism programs. Mays offered to compile a list of schools and the status of their publications. Mays also suggested inviting the school representatives for a focus group to help the board determine with what the schools need help. Compton said the board could possibly donate $5,000 toward the cause.
December Board Election. Carter said she cannot serve another term as president. Casini agreed to be considered as a replacement. Price agreed to be considered as a vice presidential replacement for Russell. Mays and Remitz agreed to stay on for consideration as secretary and treasurer, respectively.
It was announced that Jennifer Aquino, executive editor of the San Mateo County Times, is interested in serving on the board. Other possible candidates for the board include Micki Carter as past president, Cleaveland, Russell, Lewis and perhaps Diana Diamond of the Palo Alto Weekly or Clay Lambert of the Half Moon Bay Review.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Next meeting is 6:15 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14 at the San Mateo Daily News to accommodate Remitz’s schedule.
Minutes submitted by Mays.