Present: Micki Carter, Peter Cleaveland, Dave Price, Jack Russell, John Kane, Jamie Casini, Exec. Dir. Darryl Compton
Absent: Aimee Lewis Strain, Ed Remitz, Jon Mays
Guest: Diana Diamond
Called to Order at 6:28P.M. by President Carter
There were no minutes to report on as they had previously be distributed electronically.
There was no Treasurer’s Report for which Mr. Compton took responsibility.
Old Business:
Nothing really new regarding the old.
Rosters are in the works and are likely to be ready by early 2007.
One scholarship winner has still failed to contact the club regarding his money.
Ms. Carter indicated her willingness to involve herself in Bench, Bar, Media activities after her term ends.
New Business:
The state of High School journalism programs continues to be a concern. Mr. Price referred to a recent article dealing with the growing migration of H.S. newspapers from print to electronic formats. He said he’d try to locate the article and distribute it to the Board. More information on the current H.S. journalism can be expexcted via email.
Ms. Carter reported that the California College Media Association with which she’s involved will be holding its Awards dinner at San Simeon and she promiosed a full and complete report on the evening’s festivities.
Annual Meeting is set for 7:30PM on Dec. 6, as part of the annual Holiday Party. Ballots and Membership forms were distributed to those in attendance. Among items to be determined at that meeting will be any possible rule changes and a date for the 30th Annual PPC Awards Competition.
Ms. Carter also stated that as of the January meeting the Board will no longer be locked in to conducting its meetings on the second Wednesday of the month.
Mr. Price reported that the PPC website has recently seen a dramatic spike in hits, due, it is evident to the recent posted stories about Ms. Leslie Griffiths continuing saga at Ch.2.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:56PM.
Temporary Scribe: Peter W. Cleaveland