The Press Club hears that the MediaNews-owned Contra Costa Times laid off about two dozen graphic designers yesterday and the word is that some of their work will be outsourced to India. Meanwhile, Robert Gammon of the East Bay Express reports on his blog that MediaNews’s ANG papers have laid off two photographers, a staff writer, a business writer, a graphics designer, two part-time copy editors, and a high school sports writer. Gammon writes:
- “MediaNews originally planned to lay off the eight ANG employees on Friday, but union officials convinced the company to delay the move until Monday. That way, employees who wish to be laid off could volunteer — as per the union contract. But these volunteers must currently hold one of the eight positions that MediaNews plans to eliminate. Union official Josh Richman saidThursday that they have identified one ‘potential’ volunteer already. ‘We would have preferred that they gave us two weeks notice so that we could caucus with our members,’ said Richman, who also is ANG’s political reporter. Nonetheless, he said reporters, photographers, and copy editors had been bracing for a much bigger layoffs, noting that MediaNews plans to layoff 40 newsroom workers at the Merc. ‘While we’re never happy when we’re getting downsized, we’re cognizant that things could be worse.'”