KGO NewsTalk 810 has canceled its noon-hour news program, anchored by Bret Burkhart and Lynn Jimenez (both at right). It will be replaced with a legal advice show hosted by Len Tillem (at left), whose weekend shows have strong ratings. KGO made the announcement during Friday’s noon news. Starting Monday, Len “The Lawyah” will be heard Monday-Friday 12-12:45 p.m. and Sunday 4-7 p.m. Chronicle consumer columnist David Lazarus, who has been substituting for vacationing hosts at KGO, will replace Tillem on Saturday 4-7 p.m. Tillem has been a host at KGO since 2000 and the station says his show has consistently topped the ratings among Bay Area listeners on weekend afternoons, with almost twice as many listeners as the No. 2 station. Interviewed about the switch on Friday, Tillem said: “Everybody says, ‘I love the information you give us.’ To hell with the information, I like to make ’em laugh, too.” KGO has aired a noon-hour newscast for six years. Burkhart and Jimenez will remain at KGO, doing stories for both the morning and afternoon news. ABC Radio’s Paul Harvey will remain at 12:45 p.m. Monday-Friday.