(One-year terms)
President: Jamie Casini, Daily News Group,
Vice President and Webmaster: Dave Price, Palo Alto Daily Post,
Treasurer: Ed Remitz, College of San Mateo,
Secretary: Jon Mays, Daily Journal,
Past President: Michelle Carter, Notre Dame de Namur University,
(Two-year terms)
Jennifer Aquino, formerly of the San Mateo County Times (term expires Dec. 2007)
Peter Cleaveland, Retired, AFTRA, (term expires Dec. 2007)
Diana Diamond, San Jose/Silicon Valley Business Journal, (term expires Dec. 2007)
Jack Russell, retired, San Mateo Times (term expires Dec. 2008)
Aimee Lewis Strain, Bay City News, (term expires Dec. 2008)
Executive Director: Darryl Compton
Financial Advisor: Dan J. Olmstead, E.A.
Legal Consultants: Cotchett, Pitre & Simon
Read the history of the Press Club
The Press Club’s Web site is maintained and edited by Dave Price, editor and co-publisher of the Palo Alto Daily Post. Price welcomes suggestions for news items. Please e-mail him at
Past Presidents
2006 Michelle Carter
2005 Michelle Carter
2004 Michelle Carter
2003 Michelle Carter
2002 John F. Kane
2001 John F. Kane
2000 Dave Grey
1999 Dave Grey
1998 Dave Grey
1997 John Kane
1996 Jim Monroe
1995 Jim Monroe
1994 Bill Boldenweck
1993 Bill Boldenweck
1992 Mike McDevitt
1991 Mike McDevitt
1990 Bill Workman
1989 Bill Workman
1988 Janet Parker Beck
1987 Nick Thompson
1986 Nick Thompson
1985 Dave Murphy
1984 Dave Murphy
1983 Barbara Boyer Walter
1982 Al Bullock
1981 Al Bullock
1980 Joyce Golding
1979 Jack Russell
1978 Karen Petterson
1977 Peter Cleaveland
1976 George Golding
1975 Dan Cook
1974 Dan Cook