The Hollywood Reporter quotes KRON 4 president and GM Mark Antonitis as saying his station is sticking with News Corp.’s MyNetworkTV despite disappointing ratings that have forced the network to re-work its primetime lineup. The network has cut back its telenovelas from five nights to two and will ad two movie nights as well as bouts from the International Fight League. “We’re in with MyNetworkTV for the long haul,” says Antonitis. “We know that they’re doing everything they can in their power to make long-term success, and we’re behind them.”
Meanwhile, KRON’s parent company, Young Broadcasting, reports that it is now in the black due to cost-cutting and strong sales. The company reported a net income of $726,000 for the quarter, compared to a loss of $14.7 million for the same period a year ago. Young owns 10 stations, the largest of which is KRON.