San Mateo County Superior Court Judge Quentin Kopp will discuss California’s Public Records Act (which he helped write as a state senator) and the recent CalAware audit of its application at the April 18 meeting of the San Mateo County Bench Bar Media committee. The group will meet at 6 p.m. at Vic’s Restaurant, 1125 San Carlos Ave., San Carlos.
The Peninsula Press Club is organizing this event as a resumption of the Bench Bar Media committee which has been active on the Peninsula since the mid-60s. The goal is to protect “free press, fair trial” and public records issues and create smoother working arrangements among the bench, bar, law enforcement and media agencies.
If you cannot attend, we hope you will send someone else from your organization. RSVP to Michelle Carter at and let us know then if you have something else to add to the agenda. More information and directions will be posted later.