Meeting was brought to order at 6:25 p.m. by President Jamie Casini
Board members present: Peter Cleaveland, Jon Mays, Diana Diamond, Ed Remitz, Dave Price, Micki Carter, Jack Russell and Jamie Casini. Executive Director Darryl Compton was also in attendance.
Absent: Jen Aquino, Aimee Lewis Strain and Jennifer Aquino.
Minutes: Minutes of April meeting were not approved as they have yet to be sent out.
Treasurer’s Report: None.
Old business
Bench Bar Media: The recent event was deemed a success, but there was some discussion of a change of venue and time. Mays suggested having a lunch meeting near the county Hall of Justice in Redwood City. In addition, there was also some discussion of topics including cameras in courtrooms, the impact of media consolidation or fairness in journalism.
High School Journalism Awards: The ceremony at Notre Dame de Namur University was deemed a success. The venue was praised for its beauty and connection to nature, specifically for the attendance of deer in front of Ralston Hall.
Feedback about assisting high school journalism programs: There was some discussion about holding a workshop with constructive critiques of students work in August. The workshop can either be held at the offices of the San Mateo Daily Journal in San Mateo or the Palo Alto Daily News in Menlo Park.
New business
Roster: President Casini acknowledged the heavy workload of Compton while requesting that the roster be printed and released in the next couple of months.
Award winners announcement. Compton said there is still some judging outstanding and members will be notified if they won at least one award sometime next week.
PPC Awards dinner. Carter said she will write the script and Remitz said scholarships will be decided upon soon. Price also suggested contacting Mike Sugerman to ask if he and his band might consider playing some music during the dinner.
Possible meeting venue change. Diamond requested a possible move of the board meeting venue to the new Daily News office in Menlo Park.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.