Merc business writer Dean Takahashi asked readers what they wanted from their newspaper and he got dozens of responses, many of which are included in his most recent column. “The responses are heartening because they tell me readers actually care about the newspaper … There is no single consistent piece of advice, unless it was to point out that hot-dog eating contests are not weighty enough for the front page.” Some of the suggestions included:
- • Go “hyper local” with “micro news that is more relevant to the people in the specific communities where we circulate.”
• The same reader suggests turning the Merc into a non-profit dedicated to community coverage.
• “Some say we should charge Google and others for reprinting our work, which we are doing or attempting to do in some form.”
Other ideas readers offered: More investigative journalism. Add links to more information online. Print more reader letters. Write more follow-up stories. Reprint the most popular blog material that younger readers want.