SFPPC minutes of Oct. 23, 2007 SF Peninsula Press Club meeting
Micki Carter called the meeting to order at 6:29 p.m. Present were Diana Diamond, Dave Price and Darryl Compton. Absent were Ed Remitz, Jon Mays, Jennifer Aquino, Peter Cleveland, Jack Russell and Aimee Lewis Strain. Arriving within a few minutes to take the gavel was Jamie Casini. After a discussion, the board decided not to take any financial actions due to the lack of a quorum.
Treasurer’s Report: Darryl submitted a ledger which showed income year-to-date of $22,888.23, expenses of $14,524.48 and assets of $39,634.13. Darryl said he plans to move $28,846.97 in the checking account to another bank where it would draw more interest.
Old Business
High School Boot Camp: Micki said the written feedback she got from participants was positive, but they complained they couldn’t hear the speakers at all times. Next time she would like the break out sessions to be held in classrooms at CSM rather than the all-purpose room used this time around.
Diana suggested that break-out sessions didn’t have to last 50 minutes, and there didn’t always need to be four. Sometimes three was good.
Micki said we don’t need to go to 5:30 p.m. — Ending at 4:30 would be OK. Everyone thought holding it on a Friday afternoon was a good idea.
Micki said the feedback was that everyone wanted the club to do this again next year. Especially appreciated was the critiques of the individual papers and the one-on-one time students got with the professional journalists. Micki suggested that next year we get the papers a few days in advance of the boot camp so we can do a better job with the critiques.
Students and advisers also said they would like more time to talk to each other.
Paul Sakuma was hailed for getting a large turnout of professional journalists to lead seminars.
Darryl said the official sign up list showed there were 98 students at the event, but he felt there had to be more than that. Also, the event drew 10 advisers and 24 school staffers. Twelve high schools were represented.
Board members felt these numbers exceeded their expectations.
New Business
Meetings: Board members talked about the difficulties of getting to the meeting and Darryl said it would be possible to conduct November’s meeting by telephone. He had an account that would make such a meeting possible. The meeting will take place on Nov. 14 at 6:15 p.m.
Contest: The board decided to discuss changes to the contest at the November meeting, with proposals to be circulated in advance via e-mail.
Officers: There was talk of submitting a bylaws change to the membership to reduce the threshold for a quorum. Currently six members are required for a quorum. A past-president (Micki) doesn’t count. Nor does the executive director (Darryl).
Also, a slate of board candidates will be finalized at the November meeting. Dave will post an item on the Web site seeking director candidates.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Vice President Dave Price.