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November 2007 Press Club board minutes

Minutes of the Nov. 14, 2007 SFPPC board meeting (teleconference)

Meeting was brought to order at 6:15 p.m. by President Jamie Casini. Board members present: Peter Cleaveland, Jon Mays, Dave Price, Ed Remitz, Diana Diamond, Jamie Casini and Aimee Strain. Executive Director Darryl Compton was also in attendance. Absent: Jennifer Aquino and Jack Russell were not in attendance.  

New business

Awards contest: The board decided to change how the annual awards are to be distributed by eliminating the honorable mention place. Now, judges will give out a minimum of first and second place and decide if there should be a tie in one of the places with a maximum of three total awards in each category. The board decided to change the Web site category to News Web site.

Ballot. The ballot for the 2008 Press Club officers is:
President: Jamie Casini
Vice President: Dave Price
Treasurer: Ed Remitz
Secretary: Jon Mays
Directors: Jennifer Aquino, Jay Thorwaldson, Peter Cleaveland and Diana Diamond
Jack Russell and Aimee Strain are not up for re-election. Micki Carter need not run as past president.


Meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Secretary Jon Mays.

Minutes from previous meeting in October 

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