Jan. 16, 2007 — Meeting was brought to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jamie Casini
Board members present: Peter Cleaveland, Micki Carter, Jon Mays, Dave Price, Jamie Casini and Jack Russell. Executive Director Darryl Compton was also in attendance.
Absent: Jennifer Aquino, Ed Remitz, Aimee Strain and Jay Thorwaldson were not in attendance.
Treasurer’s report: Price moved to accept the treasurer’s report and Cleaveland seconded it.
New business
Holiday party: Price asked that the board consider moving the annual party to January as to not conflict with the by-laws or change the by-laws. It was suggested that the holiday party become just drinks rather than food to reduce cost and draw more club interest.
New logo: Mays offered the services of DJ Design to come up with some new logo ideas.
Awards contest: The board decided to add a “general excellence” subcategory to each category and to modify the Web site category to reflect the growing trend of New Media. The category will now be known as “New Media.” Its categories are now General News Excellence, General News, Breaking News, Multimedia and Blogs. It was also suggested by Price that the club come up with a list of three most interesting local Web sites to be honored at the annual awards. All were approved.
2008 calendar: Schmoozarama was set for Saturday, Feb. 8 at the University of San Francisco; the contest entry deadline is Friday, Feb. 29; it was decided to shoot for mid-April for the high school advisor forum possibly at Kingfish; the high school journalism awards is set for early May; the high school boot camp is set for the third or fourth week of September; no word on Bench/Bar Media; dates for the summer picnic are being looked into.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Secretary Jon Mays.