Jury selection took longer than expected in the SF Weekly predatory pricing trial after two jurors were dropped and replacements had to be selected. Opening arguments are now set for tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 8:30 in the San Francisco Superior Court of Judge Marla Miller. According to the SF Weekly’s blog, one juror “was sent home after he told the judge he had decided neither newspaper deserved to win because both support ‘prostitution’ by printing explicit personal ads.” An alternate juror, who described himself as an aspiring journalist, was bounced because he was afraid to rule against either side for fear they might not hire him in the future. There was no update on the Bay Guardian site tonight but Publisher Bruce Brugmann sent out an e-mail saying his Web site would have updates through the trial as would the Association of Alternative Weekly’s site. He also directed people to Randy Shaw’s article about the trial (see below).
SF Weekly trial: Sex ads bother juror
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