The nationally syndicated Stephanie Miller show is back to three hours every morning on Clear Channel’s KKGN “Green 960” after listeners flooded the station with complaints when the program was cut to an hour a day.
“The netroots feedback we have received is unlike anything I have ever seen for any show, in any format, in my entire career,” program director John Scott was quoted in as saying, “It was real, it was raw and it was passionate. The bottom line: our audience loves her.”
Miller’s show debuted in September on the liberal talk station when it was known as “The Quake.” On Jan. 21, Scott cut Miller to one hour to make way for a morning news program that he hosted.
Scott told Chron radio writer Ben Fong-Torres that he cut Miller originally because her show wasn’t bringing in ratings or revenue. After the complaints rolled in — some 3,500 letters — Scott dumped his own show and returned Miller to the 6-to-9 a.m. slot on Tuesday. Scott indicated the station will be using the letters when it talks to potential advertisers. (Miller bio.)