Plans to open a museum for local media in the former Hibernia Bank building at Market and Jones streets are dead.
The Bay Area Radio Museum, headed by David Jackson, had been working with the seller of the building to create a media museum there. The radio museum, which currently exists as an online archive, has joined with the San Francisco Peninsula Press Club and the local chapter of the National Television Academy to form a consortium dedicated to creating a broadcast and newspaper museum in the Bay Area.
The idea was that a buyer of the building would include the concept as part of plans to renovate the deteriorating landmark. But the Chron reports this morning that the building has been sold for $3.95 million to an unidentified buyer who has other plans for the former bank.
Stephen Van Someren, secretary and treasurer of the Bay Area Radio Museum, told the Chron that he is looking elsewhere in the Tenderloin for a home. “We’re definitely not giving up,” Van Someren said. “One plan or another is going to work. We’ve got plan B through plan F.” (Photo credit: Paul Chinn, Chronicle)