Sept. 17, 2008 — Meeting was called to order by President Jamie Casini at 6:40 p.m.
Board members present: Jack Russell, Ed Remitz, Micki Carter, Casini, Jon Mays. Executive Director Darryl Compton was also in attendance. Absent: Jennifer Christgau, Aimee Lewis Strain, Dave Price, Jay Thorwaldson and Peter Cleaveland.
Carter moved to accept the minutes and Remitz seconded. The vote was unanimous.
Treasurer’s report: Filed by Compton.
Old business:
- Forum/boot camp for high school students, Friday, Sept. 26, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the College of San Mateo.
There was some discussion about the physical location of both the individual workshops and the keynote speaker and it was decided that Cater and Remitz would do a walkthrough before the event. Some of the workshop times changed and Carter will send out a revised schedule as soon as it is finalized. There will be an official program and food and drinks. Compton suggested some more formal critique sessions than what took place last year.
- The board accepted the resignation of Aimee Lewis Strain while expressing congratulations for the recent birth of her third child. There was some previous discussion of getting a more diverse membership on the board of directors and there may be some effort to get a high school journalism advisor on board or perhaps a public relations type.
The meeting was adjourned by Casini at 7:35 p.m.