Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2008 — Meeting was called to order at 6:50 p.m. by Vice President Dave Price.
Board members present: Jon Mays, Price, Micki Carter, Ed Remitz, Peter Cleaveland. Executive Director Darryl Compton was also in attendance in addition to Marshall Wilson. President Jamie Casini took over for Price at 6:55 p.m.
There were no minutes from the October meeting since there was no quorum.
New business:
- 1. HOLIDAY PARTY. A new date was suggested for the annual holiday party. It was Dec. 7 but was suggested to be Dec. 14 at Carter’s house from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Cleaveland made the motion and Mays seconded it. Those in attendance are asked to bring an item for the Second Harvest Food Bank and something to drink. The vote was unanimous.
2. BOARD RESIGNATIONS, APPOINTMENTS. Board member Jennifer Aquino asked to resign from the board but said she would be interested in helping out with committees such as the scholarship committee. Carter made the motion and Price seconded it. The vote was unanimous. Carter also made a motion that the board accept the resignation of board member Aimee Lewis-Strain and appoint Marshall Wilson to her seat. Cleaveland seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
3. ELECTIONS SLATE, NEW OFFICERS FOR DECEMBER MEETING. The slate will be: Mays, president; Price, vice president; Remitz, treasurer; and Carter, secretary. There was some discussion of asking a teacher for interest on serving on the board and possibly someone from the San Mateo County Times.
4. CARLMONT HIGH SCHOOL BEING SHUT DOWN. The board decided to send the Sequoia Union High School Board of Trustees and the superintendent a letter describing two scenarios in which the Press Club could assist getting the school newspaper running again. One scenario describes a civil relationship in which the club works with the district by offering either financial assistance or mentoring by members of the club. The other scenario describes aggressive legal action and possible negative attention. The general consensus of the board is that its membership would be willing to work directly with the school and district administration as long as acceptable progress is made.
Board members unanimously approved of that action.
There was an informal discussion on redefining the role of the Press Club and some discussion of organizing a board retreat to further define those goals. It was decided the discussion be completed later.
Meeting was adjourned by President Casini at 7:45 p.m.