The Press Club is compiling a list of Chronicle staffers who have accepted the company’s buyout. If you can help us, please send an e-mail to
One name we can add to the list is Carl Hall, longtime Chron reporter and Guild rep. Hall told the SF Weekly’s Joe Eskenazi: “I haven’t done it yet. I will march in with a colleague with our arms locked in a suicide pact. And if either of us gets weak at the knees. …”
The Chron is asking for 150 Guild members in news and advertising to accept a voluntary buyout by Tuesday, March 31. If fewer than 150 take the buyout, then the paper will make up the difference with layoffs. Those who jump now can receive their pension in a lump sum payment while others have to wait until age 65.
Hall said he anticipates that number will easily grow to 100 or perhaps even 150 by Tuesday’s deadline. (Photo credit: SF Weekly file, Jen Siska, December 2007)