April 8, 2009 — Board Room, San Mateo Daily Journal. The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m.
Present: Jon Mays, Jack Russell, Micki Carter, Dave Price, Melissa McRobbie and Darryl Compton; Absent: Jamie Casini, Peter Cleaveland, Ed Remitz, Marshall Wilson
Minutes of February and March were approved as read and the Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
Open Seats
- The board accepted the resignation of Jay Thorwaldson which creates a second open seat on the board. Melissa McRobbie, managing editor at Bay City News, was appointed to a one-year slot on the board. Dave Price mentioned that he had talked to Terry Winkler, who does PR for Earth Justice, about serving on the board, but he said he didn’t have the time right now. Jon will contact L.J. Anderson, a free-lancer, about the opening.
Professional Journalism Contest
- Darryl reported that 90 percent of the entries in the contest are out for judging. He distributed a spreadsheet on this year’s entries which indicated 424 entries from 62 organizations compared to 519 from 67 groups last year, with a commensurate reduction in income ($6,420 this year/ $9,555 last year). Darryl noted that only two television entries were received and that the Chronicle did not participate this year.
Darryl also described an online judging form that the Milwaukee Press Club uses. Dave will contact them to see if we can use it on our web site to facilitate the gathering of judging results this year.
Jon suggested adding a college division next year and announcing the winner of the High School General Excellence winner at the Evening of Excellence dinner next year. Micki suggested that we announce the three finalists at the High School Awards Reception and then announce the winner at the June event.
Evening of Excellence, June 6
- Darryl has signed a contract with the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza in Foster City and expects to get menu choices that will allow us to keep ticket prices at $50. Marshall is contacting Phil Matier and Ward Bushee of the Chronicle and Kristen Sze, the KGO-TV morning anchor, about speaking at the event.
- Micki wants to get a newsletter out early in May and asked for items ASAP.
High School Contest
- Micki announced that Hillsdale Shopping Center will again sponsor the High School Contest awards reception from 4-6 p.m. May 12 in Ralston Hall on the campus of Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont. She urged board members to plan to attend. She also distributed contest categories for judging. She needs the judging results to her by April 15.
Town Hall Meeting
- Marshall reported that the project for a meeting on high-speed rail was still on and he would have further details in May.
High School Project
- Jon hasn’t heard anything from Carlmont after meeting with the group in February. He will call them this week. He also is meeting with the new San Mateo High School District Superintendent Scott Laurence this week.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Micki Carter