We’re surprised one of the Bay Area alt-weeklies didn’t think of this first. But Denver’s Westword is looking for a marijuana critic. The medical marijuana business has been growing rapidly in Colorado in the past year, with clinics popping up everywhere. Here’s the ad:
- Do you have a medical condition that necessitates marijuana? Do you have a way with words? If so, Westword wants you to join the ranks as our freelance marijuana-dispensary reviewer.
- To provide an objective resource on the state’s burgeoning medical marijuana scene, Westword has launched “Mile Highs and Lows,” a weekly review of Colorado marijuana dispensaries. Now we’re looking for just the right person to take the reins.
- The job is simple: Visit a different dispensary each week (without revealing you’re working for Westword) and pen concise, impartial and snappy accounts of your experiences. Keep in mind this isn’t about assessing the quality of the medicine on site; it’s about evaluating the quality of the establishment. After all, we can’t have our reviewer be stoned all the time.
- The perfect candidate will be a talented writer who’s not about to play favorites — and, of course, someone who has a state medical marijuana ID (or the ability and need to obtain one). Compensation will be meager — and no, we can’t expense your purchases, although that would be pretty cool.
More than 100 people applied. Editor Pat Calhoun said that the first applicant replied within five minutes — “fast work for a stoner.” Westword hasn’t announced who it will hire. But it has posted a sampling of responses.