That’s the question attorney Len Tillem asks on his top-rated noon-hour show on KGO 810. Andy Altman-Ohr of the J weekly profiled the 65-year-old Sonoma attorney. Turns out that Tillem’s sister screens every call, and only articulate people with salacious and interesting sagas make it on air. “I get e-mails how rude she is, which is her job,” Tillem says. “We are not Legal Aid. We are not there to help people on the telephone. We are there to find interesting calls so we can entertain an audience.”
“To this day, I still don’t understand why the show is so popular,” the ever-humble Tillem says. “A lot of people come up to me and try to do the imitation, ‘Why ya cawlin’ a loy-yuh?’ But that’s not it. I think it’s because people like the stories from the callers.”