BayNewser, a blog with two paid writers covering the Bay Area media scene, is shutting down after nine months in business.
The blog was created by New York-based MediaBistro, which also owns local blogs such as FishbowlLA, FishbowlNY and TVNewser.
BayNewser’s co-editors, E.B. (Liza) Boyd and Jason Turbow, said they were paid a flat rate per post. Their compensation wasn’t based on pageviews, so they weren’t compelled to write outrageous things just to draw traffic.
BayNewser started out covering TV, print and online news operations, but shifted in the past few months to reporting on Facebook, Twitter and Google.
MediaBistro, in a statement on the BayNewser site, said that its acquisition of and were duplicating much of what BayNewser was covering.