The Stranger, an alt-weekly in Seattle, has a story about the legal battle between the SF Weekly and Bay Guardian.
- It’s a war straight out of the last century in its ruthlessness and its destructive potential, and it continues to escalate even as, all around them, the entire words-on-paper industry is in a state of collapse. They’re like dinosaurs, fighting over the rotting bones of a soon-to-be-extinct animal.
On one side there’s Michael G. Lacey, 61, the executive editor and a co-owner of Village Voice Media, a self-described “prick” who comes complete with “spiky gray hair, watery pale-blue eyes, and spreading shanty-Irish honker,” as New York magazine memorably put it. On the other side is Bruce B. Brugmann, 74, editor and co-owner of the Bay Guardian, a classic San Francisco lefty who likens his civic role to that of a Revolutionary War pamphleteer and has made his own bearded visage a kind of logo for his business.