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September 2010 Press Club board minutes

Sept. 8, 2010 — Board Room, San Mateo Daily Journal

Present: Jon Mays, Micki Carter, Dave Price, Melissa McRobbie, Darryl Compton, Peter Cleaveland, Ed Remitz, Antonia Ehlers, Kristy Blackburn. Absent: Marshall Wilson

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m.

Minutes of August were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Report was approved as read. There was no significant change from the previous month.

Membership Report
Darryl handed out an updated membership roster for 2010.

High School Journalism Boot Camp
The Boot Camp will take place from 1-4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 1, in the College of San Mateo Theatre and will use surrounding classrooms for the individual sessions. Ed reported that the theatre will hold 400 for registration, opening remarks and the speech by Jim Wagstaffe. Micki said that breakout sessions will be led by Jennifer Aquino, Coastside blogger Barry Parr, sportswriter Dan Brown of the Merc, Patch.com editors, SM Daily Journal’s Erik Oeverndiek, board members Price, Carter, Remitz, Mays, Ehlers and Wilson and the photographers assembled by Paul Sakuma for both still and television. Melissa will manage the newspaper critiques. Micki and Darryl will tour the facilities with Ed later this month. Micki will get a revised schedule out this week and will send it to the advisers by Sept. 15.

Professional Journalism Contest
Darryl took a conference call from SmallTownPapers.com which has developed a Better Newspaper Contest online package. He outlined the benefits of the package which accepts entries in PDF, JPEG or Word formats and then organizes them for the judges who will review the entries online. Everyone was impressed with the benefits of the online package. Darryl will talk to the Washington state club which has already used it and will review the finances of our contest to see if we can afford the $2,875 price tag.

Professional development workshop
Nothing new to report

Summer picnic
It will be Sept. 19 from 2-4 p.m. at Micki Carter’s house, 2303 Wooster Ave., Belmont CA 94002. Al Bullock will not be able to barbecue. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share and some wine; Darryl says he has plenty of soft drinks and beer.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Micki Carter, Secretary

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