April 6, 2011 — San Mateo Daily Journal offices
Present: Marshall Wilson, Darryl Compton, Jon Mays, Ed Remitz, Kristy Blackburn, Dave Price, Antonia Ehlers, Micki Carter. Absent: Jamie Casini White, Peter Cleaveland
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. and Marshall provided pizza for the meeting.
MINUTES: February minutes approved as read. (Note: No March 2011 meeting.)
FINANCIALS: Darryl’s report indicated that the club brought in $15,366.79 as a result of the contest entries and new memberships. The reporr was approved as presented.
JOURNALISM AWARDS CONTEST: The contest drew 523 entries, up 129 or 33% over last year. Darryl noted that the 95 entries in the broadband category (primarily thanks to Patch.com) was a huge boost from previous years. Magazine entries, on the other hand, were low along with radio and TV. The entries are out to judges, and Darryl is beginning to get winners back. He will continue to use the West Contra Costa Jail as the source for plaques and he thinks he will be able to order plaques for first, second and third place this year.
EVENING OF EXCELLENCE: Darryl reported that the Crowne Plaza in Foster City has reserved our room for May 21 and the entrees will stay at $35. He asked if anyone had a wine connection who might donate wine for the dinner. Marshall will check for some possibles. If we have wine donated, we will have to pay $10/table corkage fee. That would bring the cost up to $60 for members, $65 for non-members. If there is no wine, we can probably stay at $50 for members and $55 for non-members.
Our speaker will be Mike Sugerman of KCBS Radio. He will talk for about 15 minutes on carving out one’s own niche in the new world of journalism and have fun at the same time.
Because the dinner is earlier in the year than in the past, award orders, invitations and emails to winners will all be moved up.
HIGH SCHOOL JOURNALISM CONTEST: Micki reported that 459 entries were received, a 40% improvement over last year which was the previous high. Fifteen schools and 221 individual students entered. Micki handed out the entries for judging and requested to have the winners emailed to her by April 15 so she can order the plaques and receive them by the awards reception on Monday, May 2, 4-6 p.m., in the ballroom of Ralston Hall on the campus of Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont. Hillsdale Shopping Center again has agreed to sponsor this event.
FOSTER CITY INTERNATIONAL WRITING CONTEST: Jon passed out entries for judging and requested that winners be reported by April 15. Jack Russell will attend the awards presentation as a representative of the Press Club.
SOUTHEAST TEXAS CONTEST: Darryl distributed entries for judging. They must be completed by April 29.
HERB CAEN SCHOLARSHIPS: Only one application was received by the deadline, so the deadline was extended to April 15. Micki will send the announcement of the extended deadline to the high school advisers and to the advisers of the colleges in the Bay Area. She will join Ed and Jack in interviewing the applicants.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Micki Carter, Secretary